Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Old World meets Age Of Sigmar: Prince Ulther's Dragon Company

This is the first of what will be many house rules I will be creating for the Age of Sigmar, as I bring many beloved and forgotten things from the world that was into the new age.

I present the first draft of the rules for Prince Ulther and his Dragon Company, they were a Regiment of Renown back in the mid 80’s so 2nd and 3rd edition Warhammer Fantasy.

There are two Warscrolls one for Prince Ulther himself and one for his Imperial Dwarfs in the Dragon Company. 

Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company

Prince Ulther

M: 4
Save: 4+
Bravery: 8
Wounds: 5

Missile Weapons              Range   Attacks To Hit    To Wound           Rend     Damage
Dwarf Pistol                           8          1           3+            3+                   -1              1
Melee Weapons              Range   Attacks To Hit    To Wound           Rend     Damage
Dragon Axe                          1           3            3+          3+                    -1               2

Prince Ulther is a single model, he is armed with a brace of Dwarf Pistols, the Dragon Axe and carries a sturdy Dragon Shield.

Brace of Dwarf Pistols: Prince Ulther is armed with more than one Dwarf Pistol and can shoot twice in the shooting phase instead of once.

Dragon Shield: Prince Ulther may re-roll failed save rolls of 1.

Hatred of Chaos: Prince Ulther has sworn an oath to not rest until all the vile minions of Chaos are eradicated from his Realm. Prince Ulther may re-roll all failed to wound rolls when fighting models with the Chaos Keyword.

Command Ability:
Vengeance of the Ancestors: If Prince Ulther uses this ability, then until your next hero phase all Dispossessed units from your army that are fighting models with the Chaos Keyword may make one extra attack with each of their melee weapons if they are within 8" of him when they attack in the combat phase.


The Dragon Company

M: 4
Save: 4+
Bravery: 7
Wounds: 1

Missile Weapons              Range   Attacks To Hit   To Wound           Rend     Damage
Dwarf Pistol                         8          1            4+          3+                  -1               1
Melee Weapons              Range   Attacks To Hit   To Wound           Rend     Damage
Dwarf Axe                           1          3            3+            4+                   -               1

A Dragon Company unit has 5 or more models. The Dragon Company goes to war armed with a Brace of Dwarf Pistols, a Dwarf Axe and a sturdy Dragon Shield.

Dragon Captain
The leader of this unit is the Dragon Captain. A Dragon Captain makes 2 attacks rather than 1.

Standard Bearers
Models in this unit may be Standard Bearers. Standard Bearers carry a Dragon Banner.

Models in this unit can be Hornblowers. When a unit containing any Hornblowers runs, they can ‘Sound the Advance’. If they do so, do not roll a dice to see how far the unit runs; instead, they can move up to an extra 4".

Brace of Dwarf Pistols: Models armed with a Brace of Dwarf Pistols can shoot twice in the shooting phase instead of once.

Dragon Shield: Models with a Dragon Shield may re-roll failed save rolls of 1.

Dragon Banner: The unit is wreathed in runic dragon flames, if the unit suffers mortal wounds those wounds may be ignored on a roll of a 5 or 6. If the result is a 6 the mortal wound is ignored and the unit that caused it suffers a mortal wound.


I will eventually test these scrolls out and make a nice PDF download once they are ready for prime time and I have the new models painted for them. 

Just for fun reference this is my original unit of the models painted in the 80's I have a new set in the box just waiting to be painted for Age of Sigmar. 

Until next time may you dice roll sixes!